Transforming Education and Training: The Digital Revolution and Its Global Impact

Change in Learning Culture:

We all experienced major complications in the education sector during worldwide disasters, which almost halted the learning process. As an alternative, we used various digital methods to transfer knowledge most effectively and efficiently. We employed various tools like Zoom, Google Classroom, Teams, etc. to continue the learning process.

This change has revolutionized the education field as well as the workplace. The emergence of digital and technological advancements has created innovative digital learning opportunities, promoted the effective use of technologies, and monitored the use of technology in the classroom.

According to a study in the western market, 20 million jobs in the industry and services may be automated in the near future. While experts may debate the validity of this figure, they generally agree that nearly 50% of professions will be affected in the short and long terms. At present, it's not just a question of whether we should accept these changes, but rather, we should understand that this change is already here, and instead of ignoring it, we should know how to deal with it.

Digitalization has helped us minimize expenses and costs. We can forego the need for physical infrastructure, equipment, physical materials like printed books, and other resources. Although there are not many limitations to digitalization, there are a few requirements for digitizing education and training.

  • It requires trainers to adopt a learner-centered approach, where teachers or trainers take a background role, and students actively engage in activities such as problem-solving, answering questions, formulating their own questions, discussing, explaining, debating, or brainstorming during class.
  • This methodology transforms trainers into designers, mentors, facilitators, and evaluators who effectively integrate technology into the educational context.

Why is this approach crucial in the present situation?

The traditional model of training, which includes physical infrastructure, equipment, and materials, is becoming outdated due to technological advancements. People lack the time to attend physical training sessions, which consume a significant amount of time, energy, and resources, resulting in low training efficiency.

In the digital realm, even traditional writing boards are being replaced with digital boards that can be shared on every individual screen. This approach is more effective, efficient, and has a greater impact on trainees' learning habits.

Currently, more than 61% of training and initialization is conducted face-to-face or one-on-one. In-person training is resource-intensive, requiring venues and instructors, and it generally takes more time to complete. E-learning platforms are valuable but underutilized tools to enhance employees' performance. Upskilling, which has been underinvested in for a long time, is the most effective way to increase efficiency and productivity.

Alarmingly, nearly half of deskless workers lack digital skills and do not receive any training. 67% of these workers express a desire for regular digital training to improve their on-the-job skills. Therefore, companies need to embrace digital transformation to enhance operational efficiency.

Digital training serves not only as a training module but also as an effective measurement tool to gather insights about employees and operations by collecting qualitative and quantitative data in areas that were previously inaccessible, such as training, onboarding, and upskilling.

The management team must understand the return on investment (ROI) of any planned initiatives. Online learning revolutionizes how people learn, providing education access to a diverse range of individuals, eliminating the need to travel to different locations for learning, saving time, promoting time management, and reducing extra expenses. These advantages are numerous.

But, why is it adopted by some cultures and shunned by others?
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